Results for 'Jean Tangren Alexander'

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  1. Genèse et Structure de la Phénoménologie de l'Esprit de Hegel.Jean Hyppolite & Alexander Kojève - 1950 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 4 (4):609-618.
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  2. Vietnam Will Win.Wilfred Burchett, John T. Mcalister, Philippe Devillers, Jean Lacouture, Alexander Levien & Adam Roberts - 1970 - Science and Society 34 (2):224-235.
  3. Political Representation.Ian Shapiro, Susan C. Stokes, Elisabeth Jean Wood & Alexander S. Kirshner (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Political representation lies at the core of modern politics. Democracies, with their vast numbers of citizens, could not operate without representative institutions. Yet relations between the democratic ideal and the everyday practice of political representation have never been well defined and remain the subject of vigorous debate among historians, political theorists, lawyers, and citizens. In this volume, an eminent group of scholars move forward the debates about political representation on a number of fronts. Drawing on insights from political science, history, (...)
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    The Womanly Art of Teaching Ethics, Or One Fruitful Way to Encourage the Love of Wisdom about Right and Wrong.Tangren Alexander - 1987 - Teaching Philosophy 10 (4):319-328.
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    Lesbian slip.Tangren Alexander - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (4):14-30.
    We were relaxing after supper, my daughter, who was ten, and my ninety-six-year-old grandmother, and I. Marcella had long known that I was a lesbian, and in her simple child's way understood perfectly. Grandma was another matter; I would have to wait for her to die before I could be open in the family about who I was. She could never be told. I loved her; there seemed no reason to distress her, who kept herself so deliberately innocent about the (...)
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    Histoire du Texte de Pindare.Alexander G. McKay & Jean Irigoin - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (1):106.
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    Cultivating Citizens: Soulcraft and Citizenship in Contemporary America.Alexander Astin, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Cary J. Nederman, Walter Nicgorski, Michael J. Sandel, Nathan Tarcov, John von Heyking & Alan Wolfe (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    In Cultivating Citizens Dwight Allman and Michael Beaty bring together some of America's leading social and political thinkers to address the question of civic vitality in contemporary American society. The resulting volume is a serious reflection on the history of civil society and a rich and rewarding conversation about the future American civic order.
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    (1 other version)Less Sympathy.Jean M. Hegberg & Alexander M. Capron - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (1):46-46.
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    Eulogy for Werner Hamacher.Jean-Luc Nancy & Ian Alexander Moore - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (4):991-994.
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    Order and Disorder in Children's Play.Jean Chateau & Sidney Alexander - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (40):61-81.
    One of the interesting aspects of the study of children's play is that it permits us to see clearly how an awareness of rules is built up in us against factors of wildness, and how this awareness of rules, little by little, pervades the child's behavior. Now, the child's experience can inform us about the experience of the species: if the processes of the acquisition of self-control cannot be exactly the same, as Stanley Hall thought, the very differences allow us (...)
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    The Homoscleromorph sponge Oscarellalobularis, a promising sponge model in evolutionary and developmental biology.Alexander V. Ereskovsky, Carole Borchiellini, Eve Gazave, Julijana Ivanisevic, Pascal Lapébie, Thierry Perez, Emmanuelle Renard & Jean Vacelet - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (1):89-97.
    Sponges branch basally in the metazoan phylogenetic tree and are believed to be composed of four distinct lineages with still uncertain relationships. Indeed, some molecular studies propose that Homoscleromorpha may be a fourth Sponge lineage, distinct from Demospongiae in which they were traditionally classified. They harbour many features that distinguish them from other sponges and are more evocative of those of the eumetazoans. They are notably the only sponges to possess a basement membrane with collagen IV and specialized cell‐junctions, thus (...)
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    Sur le rapport entre écologie et marxisme en RDA.Alexander Amberger & Jean Quétier - 2023 - Actuel Marx 74 (2):71-88.
    Après le rapport du « Club de Rome », le débat écologique a acquis une très grande audience à l’Ouest. Les « limites de la croissance » étaient discutées publiquement dans de nombreux ouvrages à succès et faisaient l’objet de débats dans le champ politique, culturel, économique et social. Un mouvement environnemental s’est constitué qui, par la suite, a donné naissance aux partis verts. En RDA, en revanche, la croissance n’a pas fait l’objet de discussions à cette époque. Le parti-État (...)
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    Picking Up / Bouncing Back.Alexander García Düttmann, Jean-Luc Nancy & Olivier Richon - unknown
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  14. Symposium on J.-L. Dessalles’s Why we Talk : Precis by J.-L. Dessalles, commentaries by E. Machery, F. Cowie, and J. Alexander, Replies by J.-L. Dessalles. [REVIEW]Edouard Machery, Jean-Louis Dessalles, Fiona Cowie & Jason Alexander - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (5):851-901.
    This symposium discusses J.-L. Dessalles's account of the evolution of language, which was presented in Why we Talk (OUP 2007).
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    Daydreams incorporate recent waking life concerns but do not show delayed incorporations.Elaine van Rijn, Alexander M. Reid, Christopher L. Edwards, Josie E. Malinowski, Perrine M. Ruby, Jean-Baptiste Eichenlaub & Mark T. Blagrove - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:51-59.
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    Jean Renoir as Moralist: "Le Crime de M. Lange".Alexander Sesonske - 1974 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (1):5.
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    Is the multi-joint pointing movement model applicable to equilibrium control during upper trunk movements?Alexey Alexandrov, Alexander Frolov & Jean Massion - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-746.
    Two aspects of the target article, (1) the extension of the equilibrium point theory to multi-joint movements, and (2) the consequence that the EMG pattern is not directly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), are discussed in light of the experiments on upper trunk bending in humans. The principle component kinematic analysis and the analysis of the EMG data, obtained under microgravity and additional loading conditions, support the application of Feldman and Levin's for multi-joint pointing movement to equilibrium control (...)
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    In memoriam--Alexander koyré.Jean Hering - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (3):453-454.
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  19. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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    Scholarship, morals and government: Jean-Henri-Samuel formey's and Johann Gottfried Herder's responses to Rousseau's first discourse.Alexander Schmidt - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (2):249-274.
    This article analyses how Rousseau's First Discourse and the questions it posed about human progress and the reform of society were debated in the institutional context of the Berlin Academy by Formey and Herder. Despite some important disagreements, Formey and Herder fundamentally shared Rousseau's assumption that erudition could be detrimental both to society and to the individual. In order to limit the socially corrosive effects of the arts and the sciences, and in an attempt to realize their full beneficent potential, (...)
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    Alexander Bain (1818-1903) : L'esprit et le cerveau.Jean-Claude Dupont & Denis Forest - 2007 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 2 (2):277-279.
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    Sense in Competing Narratives of Secularization: Charles Taylor and Jean-Luc Nancy.Alexander C. Karolis - 2013 - Sophia 52 (4):673-694.
    In this article, using the recent work by Charles Taylor in A Secular Age as my point of departure, I will argue that Jean-Luc Nancy enables us to think past the competing binary of atheistic and religious experience and allows us to surpass the present narratives of secularism. In A Secular Age, Taylor himself seeks a middle ground between atheism and religion, arguing that it is possible to open ourselves to the cross-pressures of modern existence that find us caught (...)
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the (...)
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  24. La Dernière Mazurka, traduction de Jean Marchand, Rosemère.Alexander Hausvater - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Jean Renoir: The French Films, 1924-1939.Alexander Sesonske - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (2):222-224.
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    Indications bio-bibliographiques sur Alexander Bain (1818-1903).Jean-Claude Dupont & Denis Forest - 2007 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 2 (2):375-386.
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    Jean Wahl and Karl Jaspers on Descartes and Kierkegaard: An Epistolary Exchange.Ian Alexander Moore & Barbara Wahl - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):173-181.
    A translation of selected correspondence between Jean Wahl and Karl Jaspers on Descartes and Kierkegaard.
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    Le préambule de l'édit de Tiberius Julius Alexander, témoin des étapes de son élaboration.Jean-Louis Mourgues - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (1):415-435.
    Le préambule de l'édit de Tiberius Julius Alexander inscrit sur les piliers du temple d'Hibis de l'oasis d'El Khargeh est exceptionnel à plus d'un titre : par sa longueur, par la complexité et la précision de son cadre idéologique associant empereur et gouverneur dans le gouvernement de l'Egypte, mais aussi par la difficulté qu'il y a à l'insérer, lui et son projet, dans la chronologie heurtée du début de l'année 68. L'examen de la forme diplomatique démontre qu'il s'agit d'un (...)
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    Jean Paul Sartre. Darstellung und Kritik seiner Philosophie.Ian W. Alexander & Hans Heinz Holz - 1953 - Philosophical Quarterly 3 (13):369.
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    A critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's ontology.Maurice Alexander Natanson - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This is a basic work for students specializing in philosophy & for any scholar studying the works of Sartre.
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    La conscience et le monde d'après Alexander.Jean Pucelle - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):269 - 284.
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  32. Jean-Luc Nancy, A Finite Thinking. [REVIEW]Alexander Cooke - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (2):134-136.
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    The Limits of Workplace Community: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Possibility of Teambuilding. [REVIEW]Alexander Bertland - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):1-8.
    Jean-Luc Nancy is a contemporary continental philosopher who argues that the hope of fully unifying a community through work is problematic. This is because people cannot be reduced to their function as workers. Thus, community is, at best, inoperative. This article takes Nancy’s ideas of community and applies them to the notion of teamwork in business. It shows how in some literature on business teamwork, there is a desire to build a team through shared work experiences. It then explains (...)
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    Abandoned to ourselves: being an essay on the emergence and implications of sociology in the writings of Mr. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, with special attention to his claims about the moral significance of dependence in the composition and self-transformation of the social bond, & aimed to uncover tensions between those two perspectives: creationism and social evolution, that remain embedded in our common sense & which still impede the human science of politics--.Peter Alexander Meyers - 2012 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Society as the ethical starting point for political inquiry -- The moral relevance of dependence -- Nature and the moral frame of society -- Morality in the order of the will.
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    Lettre de Jean Wahl à Martin Heidegger.Ian Alexander Moore & Barbara Wahl - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):169-172.
    Cette lettre, publiée ici pour la première fois en français, dans sa version originale, a été envoyée par Jean Wahl à Martin Heidegger le 12 décembre 1937. Elle répond à une lettre que Heidegger avait écrite à Wahl une semaine plus tôt au sujet des thèses de Wahl dans la célèbre conférence « Subjectivité et transcendance ». [1] Dans cette conférence, qui a été décrite comme « un tournant dans l’histoire intellectuelle du XXe siècle », [2] Wahl s’interrogeait, entre (...)
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    Thinking in the past tense: eight conversations.Alexander Bevilacqua - 2019 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Frederic Clark.
    Ann M. Blair -- Lorraine Daston -- Benjamin Elman -- Anthony Grafton -- Jill Kraye -- Peter N. Miller -- Jean-Louis Quantin -- Quentin Skinner.
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  37. Light and colour in Averroes between Alexander of Aphrodisias and Ibn Bāǧǧa.Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 2025 - In Véronique Decaix & Katerina Ierodiakonou (eds.), Theories of colour from Democritus to Descartes. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Soziale Demokratie: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Max Adler, Hans Kelsen und die Legitimität demokratischer Herrschaft.Alexander Somek - 2001 - Wien: Verlag Österreich.
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    The Modern Reason’s Failure.Alexander L. Gungov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:213-220.
    Late Edmund Husserl’s examination of the crisis of the European sciences is the point of departure of this paper. Husserl’s views about wrong objectivisation and naturalization of reason in science and philosophy have prepared the ground for dissatisfaction with reason in various trends of 20th century Social and Political Philosophy. This intellectual climate has naturally bred the radical criticism against the social project of Enlightenment practiced by the first generation Frankfurt School. Later on, the Modern reason misfortunes in social and (...)
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    From emergency practice to Christian polemics? Augustine’s invocation of infant baptism in the Pelagian Controversy.Alexander H. Pierce - 2021 - Augustinian Studies 52 (1):19-41.
    In this article, I build upon Jean-Albert Vinel’s account of Augustine’s “liturgical argument” against the Pelagians by exploring how and why Augustine uses both the givenness of the practice of infant baptism and its ritual components as evidence for his theological conclusions in opposition to those of the Pelagians. First, I explore infant baptism in the Roman North African Church before and during Augustine’s ministry. Second, I interpret Augustine’s rhetorical adaptation of the custom in his attempt to delineate the (...)
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    Why Did the Modern Reason Fail?Alexander L. Gungov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 30:17-24.
    The proposed paper makes an overview of ideas about the failure of the Modern reason as they are launched in the 20th century Continental Philosophy. It begins with Edmund Husserl’s views about wrong objectivism and naturalism in science and philosophy, proceeds to the radical criticism against the project of Enlightenment practiced by the first generation Frankfurt School, and pays attention to Hans-Georg Gadamer’s dissatisfaction with cliché language and thinking dominating both public and private discourse today. Further examination of the Modern (...)
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    Fugitive reconciliation: The agonistics of respect, resentment and responsibility in post-conflict society.Alexander Keller Hirsch - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (2):166-189.
    Traditionally, transitional justice has referred to that field of theoretical scholarship that proffers recuperative strategies for political societies divided by a history of violence. Through the establishment of truth commissions, public confessionals and reparative measures, transitional justice regimes have sought to establish restorative conditions that might help reconcile historical antagonists both to each other and to the trauma of their shared past. Because of some of the theoretical lapses in this scholarship some have turned recently to the field of radical (...)
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  43. The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France.Elinor G. Barber, Frank E. Manuel, Alexander Herzen, Jean J. Joughin, Aaron Noland & Val R. Lorwin - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (3):264-272.
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    Johann Georg Hamann: Philosophy and Faith. Par W. M. Alexander. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. [XII] 212 pages. [REVIEW]Jean Goulet - 1967 - Dialogue 6 (3):463-466.
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    George Hammell Cook: A Life in Agriculture and Geology, 1818-1889. Jean Wilson Sidar.Nancy Alexander - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):663-664.
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    Toward a Thicker Notion of the Self.Alexander Montes - 2019 - Quaestiones Disputatae 9 (2):65-88.
    In this article, I compare Jean-Paul Sartre’s and Dietrich von Hildebrand’s analyses of the look of the other to argue that personhood is more fundamental than individuality. Sartre restricts subjectivity to individual consciousness, which, qua individual, is defined as not being what others are. As a result, both freedom and selfhood for Sartre are defined as “nihilation.” By contrast, for von Hildebrand, the experience of the loving interpenetration of looks reveals both the self and the other as concrete values (...)
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    The Moral Brain.Jean Decety & Thalia Wheatley (eds.) - 2015 - The MIT Press.
    An overview of the latest interdisciplinary research on human morality, capturing moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms. Over the past decade, an explosion of empirical research in a variety of fields has allowed us to understand human moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms shaped through evolution, development, and culture. Evolutionary biologists have shown that moral cognition evolved to aid cooperation; developmental psychologists have demonstrated that the elements that underpin (...)
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    Abandoned to Ourselves: Being an Essay on the Emergence and Implications of Sociology in the Writings of Mr. Jean-Jacques Rousseau..Peter Alexander Meyers - 2012 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In this extraordinary work, Peter Alexander Meyers shows how the centerpiece of the Enlightenment—_society _as the symbol of collective human life and as the fundamental domain of human practice—was primarily composed and animated by its most ambivalent figure: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Displaying this new _society_ as an evolving field of interdependence, _Abandoned to Ourselves_ traces the emergence and moral significance of dependence itself within Rousseau’s encounters with a variety of discourses of order, including theology, natural philosophy, and music. Underpinning (...)
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    BAUMGARTEN, Alexander Gottlieb, Esthétique : précédée des Méditations philosophiques sur quelques sujets se rapportant à l'essence du poème et de la métaphysique (...501 à 623) BAUMGARTEN, Alexander Gottlieb, Esthétique : précédée des Méditations philosophiques sur quelques sujets se rapportant à l'essence du poème et de la métaphysique (...501 à 623). [REVIEW]Jean Grondin - 1989 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 45 (1):157-158.
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    Conceiving the Republic of Mankind: The Political Thought of Anacharsis Cloots.Alexander Bevilacqua - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (4):550-569.
    Summary During the French Revolution, Jean-Baptiste ?Anacharsis? Cloots (1755?1794) developed a theory of the world state as the means to guarantee perpetual peace for mankind. Though his ideas have largely been misunderstood, Cloots's political writings were in fact an extensive plea for a more cosmopolitan understanding of the French Revolution. His system adapted institutions and concepts of the French revolutionary republic for a world state, the republic of mankind. This essay recovers his political vision and connects it both to (...)
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